SCA Year in Review Part 2: SCA Goals for 2017-18

This page follows on from Part 1, where I reviewed my performance against last years goals.

For the last few years, I’ve set *many* goals with *many* components to them.

This year, I am going to set less tasks to try and remind myself that I need to give myself space to get my creativity drive increasing.

  1. Take a step back over the next year from laborious administrative tasks with the explicit purpose of giving me the head space and time to spend on rapier and creative projects.

This is basically a repetition of one of last year’s goals. I made improvements last year by only holding one position at a time (as opposed to, say, being a Kingdom Officer, Baronial Officer, and Co-Steward of the second largest Kingdom event all concurrently… like I was the previous year…). So, hooray for progress! I’m hoping to continue making progress towards this goal as it would be nice to do more rapier participation and whimsical arts sciences projects.

  1. Create a pattern darned towel.

I have volunteered with the Worshipful Company of Broiderers to design and execute a Royal presentation gift – that of a pattern darned towel.

I’ve already established that I am capable of executing pattern darning through my recent experimentation piece:

Pattern Darning 1

Left: Pattern from page 62 of Vinciolo (1609). Right: My completed test piece of silk on linen in pattern darning style.

I have also demonstrated that I am capable of weaving diamond twill fabric, which I learned last year at Politarchopolis University.

Diamond Twill

Diamond twill fabric that I (Ceara) wove at the end of 2016 on a four shaft loom in white and blue wool. It is my first ever attempt at weaving a fabric.

I have a plan and a backup plan for this one: Plan A involves weaving the towel myself on my new loom, and then pattern darning it; Plan B involves pattern darning bought linen fabric.

Wish me luck!

I will also be asking Mistress Mathilde Adycote of Mynheniot and Mistress Dona Lindoret of Bryn Myrdin about goals they want for me when I catch up with them next month. I’ll update the outcome of that discussion here as soon as I can.