Sweet Bag – Update 5

Moving house has taken up much of my time this past 3 weeks, so I haven’t managed to complete as much as I would have liked. BUT! Progress was had. I made the following components:

4 more needlace leaves were made. That makes 5/15 leaves completed.

4 more needlace leaves were made. That makes 5/15 leaves completed.

1/5 thread wrapped bead acorns. The light brown silk is the reverse spine stitch and the dark brown silk is basketweave. The core is a wooden bead.

1/5 thread wrapped bead acorns. The light brown silk is the reverse spine stitch and the dark brown silk is basketweave. The core is a wooden bead.

Several elements of the bag require gold-wrapped string (including tassel loops and pretzel-like embellishments). I wrapped the gold around the string core myself.

Several elements of the bag require gold-wrapped string (including tassel loops and pretzel-like embellishments). I wrapped the gold around the string core myself.

1/5 tassel loops was finished.

1/5 tassel loops was finished.

1/2 pretzel-like embellishments for the top of the bag (beside the handle-string) was made.

1/2 pretzel-like embellishments for the top of the bag (beside the handle-string) was made.

I positioned the tassel elements together to give a rough idea of what the tassels will look like.

I positioned the tassel elements together to give a rough idea of what the tassels will look like.

The rough time for completion of the above elements are:
* leaf tassel element – 2.5 hours
* thread wrapped acorn – 1 hour
* tassel loop – 25 minutes
* “pretzel” – 40 minutes

The project is currently up to approximately 115 hours of work. This does not include the learning element (it took a couple of tries to get the gold wrapping for the loop and pretzel working, for example).

The minimum elements left to complete the project from this point are:

* 10 needlelace leaves
* 4 thread wrapped acorns
* 1 “pretzel”
* 4 tassel loops
* 1 woven silk cord (handle)
* 2 drawstrings
* sewing up the bag and adding the silk lining
* sewing the eyelets

Many hours of work to go yet, but it’s getting there. Onwards and upwards!

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